• Getting an idea off the ground is only possible if you can captivate the interest of others.

    Raising capital needs a combination of elements to wrap around your business idea to entice the heads and hearts of investors.

    A fresh start-up needed an investor pitch narrative for a truly amazing clean air zone platform.

  • Working session to determine what existed and what didn’t in an investor deck framework

  • Investor pitch deck with clickable prototype of the product experience

  • Client: CONFIDENTIAL via Star

    • Facilitate knowledge levelling session using empathy-led narrative framework

    • Category research and SME interviews to build context for pitch

    • Working sessions to translate technical details and commercial models into concise but powerful chapters of the story

    • Ideation session to intuitively map the key screens and features that could represent the vision experience for users

    • Lead narrator for pitch deck

    • Design direction of mobile app prototype